
понедельник, 14 марта 2011 г.

3 player co-op adventure
Trine                                                                                                                                   $: But to play (
 Trine is a physics-based action game where three characters allow clever solutions to challenges created by hazardous puzzles and threatening enemies. The gameplay is based on fully interactive physics - each character's different abilities and tactics can be used to invent new ways to overcome obstacles and save the kingdom!
 This is actually something I've been looking into, and from the looks of it, it should be a pretty nice game to play, with this classic sort of gameplay brought to the new level with physics and some pretty awsem graphics for a game like that, the only probel with this game that I see is in its numbers, its the fact that its only 3 ppl co-op, and I think mage character cant attack, which kinda sucks. 

Some useful links: - Some walkthrough gameplay.

Download: - Not sure if this works, i dint try breaking this yet.

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